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汉语说 恢复疲劳 (最好说 解除疲劳 ),英语却习惯说 relax one's mind or relax oneself (让 如 Don't teach your grandmother to suckeggs ,如果按照字面直译成 不要教你的奶奶磕鸡

han yu shuo hui fu pi lao ( zui hao shuo jie chu pi lao ) , ying yu que xi guan shuo r e l a x o n e ' s m i n d o r r e l a x o n e s e l f ( rang . . . ru D o n ' t t e a c h y o u r g r a n d m o t h e r t o s u c k e g g s , ru guo an zhao zi mian zhi yi cheng bu yao jiao ni de nai nai ke ji . . .

多特手游为你提供救救祖母游戏下载。救救祖母Save The Grandmother是一款益智烧脑闯关类游戏,帮助奶奶在每一个关卡内度过危机,有些是危险的大炮,有些是凶残的敌人,还

祖父 grandmother n.(外)祖母 grant vt.同意,准予 take for ~ ed想当然,认为理所当然 grape limit n.界线,限度 vt.(to)限制,限定 limitation n.限制 limitied a.有限的 line n.1.线,绳线,和…


relieve v.减轻,解除,援救,救济,换班concise a.简明的,简洁的monetary a.金融的,货币的ov 祖母grandma/grandmother (外)祖父grandpa/grandfather姑姑aunt儿子son婴儿baby堂(表

Grandmother C for all 13How can you speak that out 《你莫着急》 No.5Even has starte 大嘴巴子抽我慢慢我靠过去了多一些那个口字还没给我封上给了他奶奶八颗这难道就是


汉语说 恢复疲劳 (最好说 解除疲劳 ),英语却习惯说 relax one's mind or relax oneself (让 如 Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs ,如果按照字面直译成 不要教你的奶奶磕鸡

限制穷困而不限制财富,大量创造人民共同劳动的天地,象布里亚柔斯①那样,把一百只手 And I Wish that my grandmother wasn't sick, Or that we would just come up on some sta

exonerate v.昭雪,解除 exoneration n.免罪,免除 expand v.扩张,膨胀,扩充 expansion n.扩 grandmother n.祖母,外祖母 grandparent n.(外)祖父(母) grandson n.孙子,外孙 granite n.花

